JUDr. Pavel Novotny, Ph.D., born in Prague, CZ, admitted to the Czech Bar (ČAK) in 1999, Reg. No: 04916, Id. No: 66244366
Charles University
Postgraduate Doctoral Studies ("Ph.D.")
Theoretical Legal Sciences:
Legal History, Theory of Law, Philosophy, Sociology of Law
Charles University
State Rigorous Exam ("JUDr.")
International Development Law Institute
Legal Problems of International Trading
Institut International de Droit
Legal and International Aspects of Project Financing
Charles University
Graduate of the Faculty of Law ("Mgr. Jur.")
Czech Bar Association International Bar Association
English Russian Czech Slovak
Commercial, Corporate, Civil, Trade and Property Law
Through his long involvement in the corporate and commercial scene, Mr. Novotny has gained a reputation as a business lawyer skilled in assisting clients to resolve legal and commercial complexities, difficulties and impasses.
His professional resolution is designed to respond to the individual requirements of its clients and approaches the law by anticipating and satisfying clients' commercial needs with advice that is both legally and commercially intelligent and cost-effective.
This original approach has enabled Mr. Pavel Novotny to develop novel strategies and innovative solutions to difficult problems.